Saturday, November 22, 2014

Some Useful Information During Fermentation

So I don't have much of an update on my wine during this part of the fermentation process (it's just bubbling away, exuding CO2 throughout my apartment...), but I do want to share some wine-making information that I've researched.  I've found it useful and maybe you will too!

How To Make Wine - This is a pretty helpful blog that has a basic approach to making wine.  It goes into making different fruit wines, not just grapes.  It's also a way to make wine in a little cheaper way if you don't have access to getting a starter kit put together or if you don't have access to the actual wine kit.

GrapeStompers - This site is neat because it has a recipe for jalapeƱo wine!  How cool is that?  Lots of other things, too, like dandelion wine and elderberry wine.

How Wine Is Made - This has a nice illustration of how wine is made in a commercial winery.  Maybe I'll get there someday!

Wine-Making Real Estate in the Caribbean - Yes, please.  :)

How Wine-Making Processes Affect Wine's Flavor - This article could come in handy later on once I'm on my own and playing with different things that can affect how my wine will taste.

Hope you enjoy this information!

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