Sunday, September 14, 2014

My New Hobby!

I have decided on a new hobby: making wine!  I love analyzing wines and enjoying how they taste and change when paired with food, and want to find out how I can make a contribution to the wine world.  I'm going to keep this blog to show my process and be able to document what habits to keep or mistakes to take note of.

I've been reading a couple of magazines and some articles online to try and make a plan for how I'd like to proceed.  It seems the best method to start with is getting a starter kit (my parents said that would be my birthday gift next month--woo hoo!), and using a juice kit to make my first batch.  The store we found sounds like they would be super helpful if I need anything (The Wine Maker's Toy Store).  I also finally have the room to undertake this project, once I reorganize the space downstairs.

I'm so looking forward to it!  :)

Some other links I've done a little research on:
Wine Maker Magazine
Texas Winegrape Network - TAMU
North Texas Winemakers Guild